End of Life Option Act

End of Life Option Act

The Rehabilitation Center of North Hills is supportive in helping our residents explore all of their healthcare decisions. In 2016, California’s End-of-Life Option Act took effect. The End-of-Life Option Act allows terminally ill residents who are making decisions at the end of their lives to request and obtain a prescription for medication to end their lives in a peaceful, dignified manner. Participation for healthcare providers is voluntary, and the law allows healthcare providers to prohibit employees and others who work with them from participating in the activities outlined under the End-of-Life Option Act. The Rehabilitation Center of North Hills has elected not to participate in the End-Of-Life Option Act. The Rehabilitation Center of North Hills’s non-participation extends to residents’ requests to exercise their rights under the End-of-Life Option Act, The Rehabilitation Center of North Hills will assist with transferring such residents to another hospice who does participate. If you would like more information on The Rehabilitation Center of North Hills's End-of-Life Option Act opt-out policies, please click here.